Cousins, Farquharsons
On playing the Horn
Verlag: To Caron PublicationsAusgabe: BuchArt-Nr.: BH72052 / -------- 

(104 S., englisch
I nhalt:
1. The Muscle "Set up" - Facial
2. Positioning the mouthpiece
3. Tong uing
4. The Muscle "Set-up" - Respiratory
5. Moutphieces
6. Hand in the Bell
7. The Thumb Valve
8. Practice
9. Orchestral Craft
10. Non Quod Sed Quomodo
11. The Horn Quartet
12. The 5th Horn
13. Doubling
14. The Mental Side
15. Auditions
16. Acoustics
17. Horn Sound
18. A "Wolf" Mote ?
19. The The Orchestra as a profession
20. Conductors
21. England - the last stronghold of the French F Horn
22. The future of the Horn - Quo vadis ?
23. Dennis Brain - his "secret" ?
24. Status
25. A friendly chat
26. Editing
27. Physical Exercise for horn players
28. Smoking
29. Beer
30. A drawer of oddments, Studies, Duets & etc.)

36,00 €
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